National Treasure Mustang Rescue and Sanctuary
Providing safety and loving care to iconic native wild equine removed by our government from their homes in the west.
Meet our new rescues!! June 28, 2024
We rescued 2 burros (Seven Troughs HMA) and 1 filly (Twin Peaks HMA) from Bureau of Land Management holding corral!! Eeyore is a 3 year old burro, Sunny is 1 year old according to the BLM and Poppy is a 1 year old filly but looks to be 6-8 months old. They are quite content to be at their new home at the sanctuary and we are happy to have them!! ❤️
Poncho and Gypsy
Two friends
These mustangs have been bonded from the very beginning. We don't know if they were removed from the wild at the same time, but they were rescued by us at the same time. I wonder what their story is. I know they are happy now.
With your support you are assuring them that their friendship is lifelong.
Brandy, Shadow, Calypso
Three Amigos
These three have been together since 2016. Don't think for a minute that mustangs and burros can't be best buddies. These three are proof of that.
Small & Mighty
Don't let the size fool ya, Cisco is the leader. When he gives the stinkeye you better pay attention, bandmates. Don't get me wrong though, they all are bonded and are always looking out for each other. Cisco, however, thinks that ALL the treats are HIS.
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